So to improve the game, we have planned to launch a great classification project which starts with the creation of themes.
Every set will be categorized in one or several themes from the following list:

Infernal, Fire, Divine, Oriental, Outfit, Asian, Gothic, Far-West,

Halloween, Christmas, Zodiacal, Animal, Legendary, Event, Gastronomic, Fairy,

Royal, Play, Musical, Love, Functional, Historic, Mineral, Steam Punk,

Sporty, Magic, Earth, Water, Plant, Summery, Autumnal, Spring,

Winter, Spatial, Air.
Plus, each gene will be categorized in one or several colors from the following list:
Pink, Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown, Green, Blues, Black & White, Multicolor.
Thanks to this classification, we will be able to organize more precise and varied events (especially contests), but also to add new philters in the inventory and in the store.
You can access it thanks to this icon.

When the whole classification will be set up, it will be far more simple to find traits according to their color and theme.
What's, we have also set up a new tool that will make things easier: the set files.
To access it, you just need to double click on any trait icon (in the market, the inventory, the contests...)
Here is an example of what the file looks like:

It contains information about the set. Let's take a look at it.
The heading
The heading shows the name of the set and if it is on sale or not but it also contains the following information:
The state indicator shows if the set is unlocked or not and if the set is in store or if it is an exclusive one. The color of the heading changes according to the state of the set.

The possession indicator shows if you possess the set entirely, partly or not at all.

You will soon have the opportunity to use these indicators as philters for the inventory.
Here, you can see all the elements of each set. When you possess a trait, you see this

If you don't have it, the trait icon is fully visible, without that picture.
This category contains the themes to which the set is affiliated. A set possesses each one of the colors of its traits.
For example, if the accessory is pink and the mane is blue, then the pack will have pink AND blue as colors.
A trait possesses all the themes of the set but only has its color(s).
For example if the accessory is pink/yellow and the mane is blue, then the accessory will only be pink/yellow and the mane blue.
The marks show how much the community likes a particular set. You should give your opinion too.
You can then add the set to your favorites.
Please note that a set has a mark but that each trait also has its own mark.
Additional buttons

When you click on the first icon, you can see the list of players who added this set as a favorite. Friends are on top of the list.
The second enables you to add the set to the list of wishes that will soon come.
The third enables you to add the set to the basket to buy it.
And the last one enables you to buy the set straight away.
Trait file
If you double click on one of the traits, the personalized file appears.

It gives more or less the same information, that is, an image of the pack the trait belongs too, its icon, the kind of trait (accessory, mane...).
The arrow on the left of the image of the pack enables you to go back to the file the set belongs too.